We are part of the Molecular Systems Biology Unit @ the GBB

 Our team

  • Julia Kamenz - Principal Investigator

    Born and raised in Berlin, I studied Biochemistry in the picturesque town of Tübingen, where I fell in love with everything Cell Cycle-related. After research stays in London (Diplom thesis, Uhlmann lab), Tübingen (PhD, Hauf lab), and Stanford (postdoc, Ferrell lab), I am now an assistant professor here in Groningen. I continue to be fascinated by the highly dynamic process of cell division and thrive to develop a quantitative understanding of the underlying molecular mechanisms. Find more information here (CV/ORCID/Google Scholar).

    When not in the lab (or office), I enjoy everything outdoors (backpacking, climbing, sailing, skiing - you name it).

  • Dario Tomanin - PhD student

    Hi, my name is Dario and I grew up in a small town close to Milan, Italy. My passion for science brought me to Turin, where I obtained a Master's degree in Molecular Biotechnology. During my studies, the complexity of the cell cycle sparked my curiosity and inspired me to pursue a PhD in the Cell Cycle Dynamics group, under the supervision of Dr Julia Kamenz. The aim of my current project is to investigate the dynamic biochemical processes that drive mitotic progression, focusing in particular on the protein phosphatase PP2A-B55.

    In my free time I like listening to music and I really enjoy cooking, even if I despise doing the dishes.

  • Ewan van der Vlist - PhD student

    My name is Ewan, originally from Baarn, but I’ve lived in Amersfoort for the majority of my life. I completed a B.Sc. in Biology with Honours and a M.Sc. in Cancer, Stem Cells & Developmental Biology at Utrecht University. During my Master’s, I have worked with Sander van den Heuvel on the relation between chromatin organization and cell proliferation in C. elegans, and with Patrick Kemmeren at the Prinsess Maxima Centre in Utrecht to develop a classification tool for pediatric tumours using machine learning. As a PhD-candidate, I will be studying the dynamics of the core cell cycle oscillator.

    Outside of work, I like to spent my time walking/hiking or enjoying a good movie on the couch. Occasionally, I like to spend some time in the gym or reading English literature.

  • Alexandra Andrei - Student assistant

    Hello I'm Alexandra,

    I'm originally from Bucharest, Romania. My love for science led me to pursue a BSc at the University of Groningen. In addition to this, I am happy to be able to assist in the lab in experiments related to the cell cycle.

    Outside of my studies, I love being in nature, going on walks and crocheting! :)

  • Prerna Waran - PhD student

    Hi! My name is Prerna. I was born and brought up in Bangalore, a city in south India. I completed my BSc. in biology with honours from Azim Premji University where I cultivated an interest in fundamental biology. I then moved to Groningen and completed my MSc. in Biomolecular sciences. During my masters I worked in the lab of Matthias Heinemann on the mechanism by which cells are limited by their thermodynamics and in the lab of Arjan Kortholt where I worked on the functions of Ras guanine nucleotide exchange factors in Dictyostelium discoideum. As a PhD student, I will be studying mitotic checkpoint signalling in early embryos.

    Outside the lab I am a Bharatanatyam dancer (an Indian classical dance form). I love going on hikes and nature walks - you’ll find me trying to identify or staring at cool insects/birds. While at home I like playing board games, growing plants, and trying new things to cook/eat.

  • Gintare Petraityte - Student assistant

    My name is Gintare,

    I grew up in a small city in Lithuania, where I developed a strong passion for life sciences. Motivated by this interest, I moved to Groningen to pursue a BSc in Life Science and Technology. From my first weeks at university, I was eager to engage in research alongside my studies. Therefore, I am thrilled to have the opportunity to join this research group and contribute to the CellCycleInVitro project.

    In addition to my interest in science, I am passionate about graphic design and occasionally work as a children's book illustrator, web and merch designer. In my leisure time, I enjoy playing board games, the piano, and painting.

  • Ying Han - PhD student

    Hi, my name is Ying Han. I grew up in Baoji, Shaanxi province in the north of China. I obtained my Bachelor's and Master's degree from School of Pharmaceutical Sciences in Sun Yat-sen University. During my Master's, I worked on protein modifications to enhance their potency and investigate their interactions. After that, I worked in SIAT in Shenzhen for two years on proteomics. As a PhD candidate, I will work on studying how multisite phosphorylation determines the activation dynamics of the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome.

    In my spare time, I like playing table tennis and badminton and going hiking with friends.

  • Kamiel Heeres - Research associate

    My name is Kamiel Heeres. I recently finished a Master's in chemical biology at the University of Groningen and have been working since February as a research associate in the Kamenz lab. My goal is to develop tools and procedures that can be applied by other researchers to aid them in their projects. I am currently developing a system to eliminate specific proteins from a proteome using antibodies and the E3 ubiquitin ligase TRIM21.

  • Nicolas Senecaut - Postdoc

    Hi! My name is Nicolas, I am from Paris (but originally from Brittany). I studied Interdisciplinary Sciences for my Bachelor and Master in Paris Descartes University. I performed my PhD at the Institut Jacques Monod (Camadro’s Lab) where I worked on the development of new quantitative approaches for proteomics. This work allows me to combine theoretical and computational methods with biological and experimental techniques. The mass spectrometer instrument was used as a powerful tool to link between in-silico (computational) and in-vivo (experimental) approaches. I am now a Post-doc in Julia’s team to apply my recently acquired skills to new biological organisms and questions such as studying cell cycle dynamics using Xenopus eggs. Find more information here (ORCID/Google Scholar/Github). Outside the lab, as a proud “Breton”, I enjoy various sea-related activities such as sailing, bodyboarding and spearfishing. Recently, I've also taken an interest in skateboarding.

Lab Alumni

Julius Fülleborn (MSc project Biomolecular Sciences, 2021, co-advised with Heinemann lab)

Niels Senechal (MSc project Biomedical Sciences, 2022)

Irene Santolaya (Erasmus student, MSc project Biomolecular Sciences, 2023)

Marit Toxopeus (MSc project Biomolecular Sciences, 2023, co-advised with the Billerbeck lab)

Sanne Wijma (BSc thesis, student research assistant, 2021 - 2023)